I need to get through some red tape before I can register for VAT in EU. There may also be some import duties in some countries that need to be taken into consideration.
If you are citizen in an EU-country who want to buy tests, state your country and amount of tests in this section. I am willing to set up manual orders.
Prices may be lower in your homeland, though. Guard your purse!
FRIENDLY ADVICE: Keep in mind that some saliva tests are not testing for active molecule THC, but for inactive metabolite THCCOOH. THCCOOH type tests often have a sensitivity as low as 12 ng/ml, but the highest detected amount of THCCOOH in saliva is 1 ng/ml. Saliva THCCOOH tests are therefore useless.
To check if a saliva test is THCCOOH type, just take a test shortly after smoking, if it is negative you have a THCCOOH test.
"The following have been not detected or present be-low 1 ng/mL: 11-hydroxy-Δ9-THC (11-OH-THC), 11-nor-9-carboxy-Δ9-THC (THC-COOH), 11-nor-9-carboxy-Δ9-THC-glucuronide (THC-COOH-gluc), and Δ9-THC-glucuronide. While THC-COOH has been detected in oral fluid using certain collection devices, the levels have been in the ng/L range, making routine measurement difficult"